You can find us:
@ St Conleth's College Gym, Clyde Road, Dublin 4 D04 FT98
on Wednesdays
18.45 - 22.00  (throughout the fencing year)
Click here for timetable
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Global Fencing Network
Salle Dublin is proud to be a member of the Global Fencing Network - 'a place to fence around the world'.  
As a member, we welcome guest fencers from other affiliated clubs around the world.  There are currently 159 member clubs from 36 countries.  
Fencers can fence at Salle Dublin for up to 2 weeks free of charge. The only pre-requisite is that you need to be an active member of another club in the network which is outside the island of Ireland.  
We ask guest fencers to sign a liability waiver and show a valid fencing licence.
Go to Global Fencing's website here.
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Salle Dublin Copyright
Salle Dublin Copyright
Global Fencing Network
Salle Dublin is proud to be a member of the Global Fencing Network - 'a place to fence around the world'.  
As a member, we welcome guest fencers from other affiliated clubs around the world.  There are currently 159 member clubs from 36 countries.  
Fencers can fence at Salle Dublin for up to 2 weeks free of charge. The only pre-requisite is that you need to be an active member of another club in the network which is outside the island of Ireland.  
We ask guest fencers to sign a liability waiver and show a valid fencing licence.
Go to Global Fencing's website here.